Am Sonntag ist Sternekoch René Bobzin zu Gast bei Gerhard Wacha. Der Biobauer züchtet auf seinen Feldern in bJeebel/b (Altmark) über 100 Sorten Kartoffeln... - MDR, Sonntag, 04.11., 19:00 - 19:30 Uhr.
What contribution to peace is achieved by enabling Somalia?s warlords, and sundry self-appointed representatives of ?civil society?, to holiday in luxurious bhotels/b in Kenya? b....../b?The vicious behavior of Siad Barre?s officials in the North before and during the long period of armed struggle, whatever their titles or designations: Governors, the likes of Afar-bjeeble/b,the ?man with four pockets?, a sobriquet inferring bribe taking, and the buulles, judges,senior army and b.../b
What contribution to peace is achieved by enabling Somalia?s warlords, and sundry self-appointed representatives of ?civil society?, to holiday in luxurious bhotels/b in Kenya? b....../b?The vicious behavior of Siad Barre?s officials in the North before and during the long period of armed struggle, whatever their titles or designations: Governors, the likes of Afar-bjeeble/b,the ?man with four pockets?, a sobriquet inferring bribe taking, and the buulles, judges,senior army and b.../b